
Intelligent Automation in Business Processes (IABP) – State of the Market

One of the most potent levers enabling digital transformation in recent times is Intelligent Automation in Business Processes (IABP). Solution providers are deploying a range of IABP solutions leveraging a combination of RPA, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and advanced analytics to help buyers achieve higher speed, improved accuracy, enhanced customer experience, and reduced cost, among other benefits.

In this research, Everest Group analyzes changes in the IABP market and assesses the market across various dimensions such as buyer objectives and service provider initiatives, adoption patterns, solution characteristics, and service provider landscape.

The scope of the research includes IABP solutions, offered either on a standalone basis or as part of a broader BPO deal, along with the associated implementation, consulting, and maintenance services. We studied 24 providers, including leading broad-based BPS providers, consulting firms, and specialist system.

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