
Building a Healthy Transformation Pipeline through Hybrid Process Mining

Organizations across industries are increasingly adopting transformation levers such as automation and process re-engineering to build agile and resilient operations. However, many struggle to scale these initiatives beyond siloed projects to enterprise-wide programs due to challenges with identifying opportunities and sustaining a pipeline, which, in turn, is mainly caused by heavy reliance on manual techniques to fill the pipeline.

Process mining solutions offer a fact-based and technology-driven approach that enables opportunity identification at scale. While classic process mining and desktop process mining have significant advantages over manual techniques, they have certain limitations in addressing all the aspects of a healthy pipeline. These limitations have led to the evolution of hybrid process mining solutions, which enable all the drivers to build a healthy pipeline and help enterprises scale their transformation programs.

In this study, Everest Group presents the four key elements of a healthy transformation pipeline. We also discuss the challenges with manual techniques, limitations of classic process mining and desktop process mining in enabling these elements, how hybrid process mining solutions help overcome these challenges, and best practices for organizations to follow.

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