
Emerging trends during Covid 19

As TTEC announce their new e-book “Success begins at home”, Iain Banks, Regional VP International Markets shares with us how TTEC has managed during the COVID-19 crisis, trends they’ve seen emerge, and announces the availability of their enhanced suite of customer service and technology solutions;

Describe the last few weeks and the challenges you have faced;

The last 3 weeks have seen a paradigm shift in how the CX industry and its’ leaders operate. Our priorities have been ensuring the health of our agents whilst maintaining business continuity for our clients and we have partnered with our customers to migrate over 31K of our employees to a secure, work-from-home environment. In addition, we have technically-enabled over 43K of our customers’ employees to be able to work using at-home technology. This massive effort was only possible because of our state-of-the-art Humanify@home platform which we have continuously innovated over the last 12 years, enabling our clients to rapidly move at home with confidence.

We are evolving in the ‘New-Norm’ and what was originally seen as a resiliency solution has fast developed into a long-term strategy from TTEC. In Europe we could deploy W@H solutions for every single employee and it took a monumental effort from every member of this organisation to make it happen and ensure business continuity for our partners. These new long-term solutions are now helping Government and Business Leaders across the globe operate not just for today and during this crisis but, into the future post COVID19.

What are the trends you are seeing?

As the world has responded to government mandates and people have transitioned to being confined to their homes, there has been a massive effort to rapidly add capacity to global customer experience programmes. Organisations are reinventing their business models to seamlessly and continuously engage with their customers on the digital channels necessary for survival.

In this new world, at-home solutions at scale will be a required element for all business operations going forward.  For those brands who had started their digital transformation, the pandemic has certainly accelerated that journey.

Tell us more about the at-home TTEC offering?

We have announced the availability of T-NOW, an enhanced suite of customer service and technology solutions that makes CX continuity possible in days—not weeks.

TTEC has enhanced its best-in-class Humanify@home solution to provide organisations with everything it takes to stand up virtual, cloud-based, omnichannel contact centres in a matter of days, including the people, process and technology. These solutions include:

AddNOW: Deploys immediately-available, highly-scalable and extensible at-home technology, and customer service associate solutions to support companies and their customers’ needs, ensuring business continuity.

–  MessageNOW: Improves utilisation, capacity and optimises interactions by rapidly deploying AI-enabled conversational messaging channels (e.g., in-app chat, SMS, web-based chat, social) allowing customer service associates to quadruple the number of customers they can handle concurrently.

AutomateNOW: Increases workforce productivity by automating customer interactions using IVA’s (intelligent virtual assistants) and business processes using RDA (robotic desktop automation) and RPA (robotic process automation).

ManageNOW: TTEC’s technology solution for contact centre as a service (“CCaaS”) which includes our Humanify cloud platform in addition to the design, implementation and ongoing managed services of the technology for both captive and outsourced customer service associates.

Our clients are already reaping the benefits with a global contact centre leader from a Fortune 100 healthcare company recently commenting: “It is not often in IT that we are able to directly influence and protect people’s lives. Each at-home workstation represents a person whose life is safer and who can have continuing income during this crisis because of the work we did. Thank you for helping us to protect and serve our people and enabling us to serve our patients.”

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