One of the things that doesn’t get spoken about enough is the positive impact our industry provides. There are countless articles on how outsourcing is responsible for Job losses, Data breaches and poor working conditions but very little about the life changing opportunities it offers to marginalised communities globally.
The term outsourcing is often linked to job losses, but the truth is the job creation in this space is unlike any other and the Impact Sourcing model allows employers to dive even deeper into a pool of talent that would otherwise be overlooked.
In creating the Impact Sourcing Alliance, I have seen and heard the most amazing stories about how individuals that have previously been overlooked have been given the chance to learn, grow and develop. How these individuals now feel a sense of pride in working and can help themselves, their families, and their communities. Stories of ex-offenders, army leavers, single parents, disabled people, and those from a background that hasn’t given them the opportunity that others have had, now going on a personal journey, and thriving in the workplace.
These stories are amazing and really shine a light on the great work that many providers are doing however we need to do more. We need to encourage buyers to work with those vendors that have an impact sourcing initiative, and we need to encourage providers to look deeper into their locations identifying these individuals that need the opportunity. We need to educate the sourcing space as to the clear benefits of impact sourcing explaining that this isn’t charity or recruiting for the sake of ‘helping out’, but a way that you can employ people that a loyal and hardworking and keen to develop.
The impact sourcing alliance is something I am very proud of. It is a platform for all of us to share what we are doing and help others that are keen to know more. It is a way in which we can highlight impact sourcing, rural sourcing, inclusive hiring, or whatever name it is known by in your own companies and really push forward.
None of this would have been possible without some brilliant partners and individuals that are also spreading the impact sourcing message far and wide.
My own view is that if you are going into a region and doing any form of recruitment then you have a responsibility to create opportunities for all.
Please read through the fantastic content from our editorial partners and sponsors. Take an interest in the work they are doing and the benefits they have seen and see if there is a place for impact sourcing in your organisation and let’s make a positive change together.
Jon Yarlett
CEO and Founder
Intelligent Sourcing & The Impact Sourcing Alliance.